Luca Chiarabini Memorial Photo Contest is an idea and initiative of Luca’s close friend Marco Leonini with the support of Luca’s family, aiming to promote and stimulate that same active spirit, adventurous life, and photographic sharing that were Luca’s passions during his life.
The photo contest is held at all RIC annual events worldwide that volunteer to host it. All participants at the RIC are invited to immortalize the beauties of the host region as well as the beauties and peculiarities of the Canyoning during the week that it takes place.
An international jury of canyoneers, typically freely chosen from the canyoneer federeation of each country to represent them, will evaluate the best photo and award the winner/s a monetary prize during the closing ceremony of the RIC event.
The 1st classified photo will also be awarded an exclusive sculpted by hand trophy for each annual contest.
We deeply thank all RIC organizations that have hosted or are going to host the Photo Contest in memory of Luca Chiarabini.
Past & Current editions
Past Edition RIC 2018 Ticino (25 AUG- 2 SEP): winners and award ceremony.
Past Edition RIC 2019 Colombia (29 SEP- 5 OCT): winners and award ceremony.