Luca Chiarabini Memorial Photo Contest is an idea and initiative of Luca’s close friend Marco Leonini with the support of Luca’s family, aiming to promote and stimulate that same active spirit, adventurous life, and photographic sharing that were Luca’s passions during his life.
The photo contest is held at all RIC annual events worldwide that volunteer to host it. All participants at the RIC are invited to immortalize the beauties of the host region as well as the beauties and peculiarities of the Canyoning during the week that it takes place.
An international jury of canyoneers, chosen from different canyoneer federeations, will evaluate the best photo and award the winner/s a monetary prize during the closing ceremony of the RIC event.
The 1st classified photo will also be awarded an exclusive sculpted by hand trophy for each annual contest.
We deeply thank all RIC organizations that have hosted or are going to host the Photo Contest in memory of Luca Chiarabini.
#1: Yunior Rondon – VENEZUELA , posted on Instagram, photo 2
#2: Samuel Pérez – MÉXICO, posted on Facebook
#3: Ilia Garza – MÉXICO, posted on Facebook
link to high resolution images
All photos taking part in the contest are accessible in the link:
THE WINNER: Yunior Rondón
My name is Yunior Rondón, 34 years old, from a town called Lagunillas in the state of Mérida – Venezuela. My profession is Geographer, graduated from the University of the Andes ULA – Mérida Venezuela. I am Working with the Tropical Andes Program Foundation, it develops community-based tourism projects for the development of remote communities and awareness and preservation of nature.
What encouraged me to go to the RIC?
It’s a crazy thing to describe. A friend invited me a week before the event. So I had to run to find the money and plan the trip. I borrowed the money because I did not have it at hand. Several friends gave me a hand and I went on adding funds little by little, until I reached the goal.
I want to highlight that the organization of the event also helped me, that’s why I want to thank RIC2019 Colombia and RIC in general, very grateful to Rafael Berdugo and his team for believing in Venezuela.
I also had to borrow equipment to come to the RIC, because I do not own.
The bus trip to came to RIC Colombia was quite long and arduous, specially the border crossing and and the connections that must be made. But we did not care it took so long on the road, because the experience was very rewarding. We did not mind waiting 6 hours to get the passport stamped and wait a long time to make the connection from Cúcuta to Medellín,
The whole bus trip to arrive was more than 35 hours 😢 but it was worth it!
Since when do I do canyoning?
I am new in this sport for less than 4 months and I had only 2 canyons before the event, with the canyons visited in Colombia it would be 7.
Canyoning has always attracted my attention, but it is difficult to obtain the equipment in our country. So I thank my partner Hernan Peña who encourages me to practice it and lends me his equipment.
For the short time that I have known the canyoning before RIC, I practiced it near the city in a national park called Sierra Nevada de Mérida.
What encouraged me to participate in a photo contest?
I have always liked photography and even more the one that has contact with nature, I have not had the opportunity to train professionally but I learned by practicing and applying logic.
How was the time to capture the photo?
Again, it was very crazy. We went to the San Francisco location, in the first long rappelling we were doing. I was very scared but the adrenaline, the desire, the safety, the experience of all the other canyoneers that accompanied me, gave me confidence, and I started taking pictures with my phone.
Looking for a perfect moment, but looking for that moment I dropped the phone into the water and I thought that was the end of capturing memories, and I lost the hope that the phone would ever turn on. That picture was the last one I could take on the day. That’s why I say it was very crazy.
Upon arriving at the hostel, I managed to turn on the phone and I would have more caution to use it because I didn’t have the right equipment to use it in the canyons. And from there I continued the adventure to continue capturing moments to remember.
How do I feel now?
I really feel very lucky for this award, but the most beautiful thing is that the RIC allowed me to make new friends and family that is the most important prize. Thanks RIC2019 Colombia, thanks RIC, thanks Luca Chiarabini for allowing me the ideal moment of the perfect capture of the photograph in memory of the great canyoneer.
Premios: Prizes: Premi: |
1st |
Winner Trophy & 1.000 USD |
2nd |
500 USD |
3rd |
300 USD |
‘Luca Memorial – Photo Contest 2019’
El concurso fotográfico dedicado a la memoria de Luca Chiarabini tiene como objetivo promover y estimular ese mismo espíritu activo, vida aventurera y ese mismo intercambio de fotos que apasionó a Luca durante su vida, que le llevó a recopilar y compartir una biblioteca de más de 100.000 fotos y videos de todos sus viajes y aventuras de barranquismo y espeleología, actualmente accesibles en
Este evento invita a los participantes de ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’ (Antioquía 29 Septiembre – 5 Octubre 2019) a inmortalizar las bellezas naturales de la región de acogida, la aventura del barranquismo, la amistad, y la alegría compartida: principios y valores que definieron a Luca Chiarabini.
Cómo participar:
- La participación en el concurso está abierta a todos los entusiastas de la fotografía; profesionales o no, participantes en el ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’ como barranquistas (en posesión de un pase oficial).
- Cada participante puede presentar un máximo de 3 (tres) fotografías al día, durante los días del 29 de Septiembre hasta el 4 de Octubre. Si un participante presentara más de tres fotos en un mismo día, únicamente se tendrán en consideración para el concurso las primeras tres fotos.
- Las fotos deben haberse realizado durante el evento ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’ y la temática es abierta. Aunque se invita a inmortalizar preferentemente las bellezas naturales de la región de acogida, la aventura del barranquismo, la amistad, y la alegría compartida: principios y valores que definieron a Luca Chiarabini. Se permitirá cualquier tipo de fotografía: B & W, vertical / horizontal, selfie, grupal, técnica, paisaje, alegórica, etc.
- Para participar en el concurso, las fotografías deben publicarse en la cuenta del ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’ de Facebook o Instagram (es suficiente con publicar en una de las dos cuentas) debajo de cada foto los participantes deben colocar obligatoriamente ambos Hashtags abajo indicados:
#RIC2019Colombia #LucaMemorialPhotoContest2019
NO SERÁN CONSIDERADAS VÁLIDAS las imágenes publicadas que tengan sólo uno de los hashtags, ya que es indispensable que tengan los dos hashtags para participar.
- Las fotos deben publicarse no más tarde del viernes 4 de Octubre de 2019 a las 23:00.
- Los miembros del jurado y aquellos que organizan activamente este concurso están excluidos de participar en el concurso.
Jurado / Premio:
- Un jurado internacional de barranquistas evaluará la mejor foto basada en criterios personales. La federación de cada país nombrará un barranquista, presente y participando en el ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’, para que represente a su país como Jurado.
- Los ganadores serán anunciados el Sábado 5 de Octubre de 2019 durante la ceremonia de clausura del RIC.
- El concurso otorgará premio a los primeros tres clasificados como sigue:
PRIMER clasificado: 1000USD y un trofeo honorifico esculpido artesanalmente en exclusiva para el ‘Luca Memorial Photo Contest 2019’.
SEGUNDO clasificado: 500USD
TERCER clasificado: 300USD
Privacidad / Copyright:
- Cada participante es responsable del material presentado por él en el concurso.
- Los organizadores del concurso, el jurado y ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’ declinan cualquier responsabilidad hacia los competidores, hacia terceros y de cualquier sujeto representado en las fotografías enviadas al concurso.
- Cada participante debe ser el único autor de las fotografías enviadas y las imágenes deben ser originales y no de terceras personas.
- Las imágenes presentadas en el concurso pueden ser utilizadas libremente por la organización para publicaciones en línea con una etiqueta indicando el autor.
- Las imagenes ganadoras se cederán sin cargo a la organización en alta resolución para su uso, con la indicación del autor, para la futura edición del concurso y/o para otros usos similares.
Más información:
- ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’
- Edición anterior: ‘Luca Memorial – Photo Contest 2018’
‘Luca Memorial – Photo Contest 2019’
This photographic contest dedicated to the memory of Luca Chiarabini aims to promote and stimulate the same active spirit, adventurous life and the same photographic sharing that were Luca’s passions during his life, which led him to collect and share a library of more than 100,000 photos and videos of all his trips and adventures canyoning and caving, currently accessible in
This event invites all participants in ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’ (Antioquia September 29 to October 5, 2019) to immortalize the natural beauty of the host region, the adventure of canyoning, friendship, and shared joy; main principles and values that defined Luca Chiarabini.
How to participate:
- Participation in the contest is open to all photography enthusiasts; professional or not, participating in ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’ as canyoneer (in possession of an official pass).
- Each participant may submit a maximum of three (3) photographs per day , during the days from 29th September to 4th October. If a participant submits more than three photos in one day, then it will be considered valid for the contest only the first three photos posted.
- Photos must have been made during the event ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’ and the theme is open. Although preferably it is invited to immortalize the natural beauty of the host region, the canyoning adventure, friendship, and shared joy, all principles and values that defined Luca Chiarabini. Any type of photography is permitted: B & W, vertical / horizontal, selfie, group, technique, landscape, allegorical, etc.
- To enter the contest, photographs must be published at the ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’ accounts in Facebook or Instagram (you only have to post the photo once at one of the two accounts) under each picture participants should place as mandatory both Hashtags indicated below:
#RIC2019Colombia #LucaMemorialPhotoContest2019
WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED VALID published images having only one of the hashtags, because it is essential to have the two hashtags to participate.
- Photos must be published no later than Friday 4 October 2019 at 23:00.
- Members of the Jury and those who actively organize this contest are excluded from participating in the contest.
Jury / Awards:
- An international canyoneer Jury will evaluate the best photo based on personal criteria. The federation of each country appoints a canyoneer, present and participating in the ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’, to represent his country as Jury member.
- Winners will be announced on Saturday, October 5, 2019 during the closing ceremony of the RIC.
- The contest will award prizes for the top three finalist as follows:
FIRST classified: 1000USD and an honorary trophy sculpted by hand exclusively for the ‘Luca Memorial Photo Contest 2019’.
SECOND classified: 500USD
THIRD classified: 300USD
Privacy / Copyright:
- Each participant is responsible for material submitted by him in the contest.
- The organizers of the contest, the Jury and ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’ disclaim any responsibility towards competitors, third parties and any subject represented in photographs sent to the contest.
- Each competitor must be the sole author of the photographs, and images submitted must be original and not a third party.
- The images presented in the competition can be freely used by the organization for online publications with a label indicating the author.
- The winning images will be transferred free of charge to the organization in high resolution for use, indicating the author, for future edition of the competition and / or for other similar purposes.
More information:
- ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’
- Previous edition : ‘Luca Memorial – Photo Contest 2018’
‘Luca Memorial – Photo Contest 2019’
Il concorso fotografico dedicato alla memoria di Luca Chiarabini ha lo scopo di promuovere e stimolare lo stesso spirito attivo, la vita avventurosa e quella stessa condivisione fotografica che appassionò Luca durante la sua vita, che lo ha portato a raccogliere e condividere una biblioteca di oltre 100.000 foto e video di tutti i suoi viaggi e avventure di canyoning e speleologia, ora accessibili su
Questo evento invita i partecipanti al ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’ (Antioquia dal 29 settembre al 5 ottobre 2019) ad immortalare le bellezze naturali della regione ospite, l’avventura del canyoning, l’amicizia e la gioia condivisa: principi e valori che hanno definito a Luca Chiarabini.
Come partecipare:
- La partecipazione al concorso è aperta a tutti gli appassionati di fotografia; professionisti o meno, partecipanti al ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’ come torrentista (in possesso di un pass ufficiale).
- Ogni partecipante può inviare un massimo di 3 (tre) fotografie al giorno, durante i giorni dal 29 settembre al 4 ottobre. Se un partecipante invia più di tre foto nello stesso giorno, solo le prime tre foto saranno prese in considerazione per il concorso.
- Le foto devono essere state scattate durante l’evento ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’ e il tema è aperto. Sebbene si invita ad immortalare preferibilmente le bellezze naturali della regione ospite, l’avventura del canyoning, l’amicizia e la gioia condivisa: principi e valori che hanno definito Luca Chiarabini. Qualsiasi tipo di fotografia sarà consentita: B & W, verticale / orizzontale, selfie, gruppo, tecnica, paesaggio, allegorico, ecc.
- Per partecipare al concorso, le fotografie devono essere pubblicate nel conto ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’ di Facebook o Instagram (è sufficiente pubblicare in uno dei due account) sotto ogni foto i partecipanti devono inserire obligatoriamente entrambi gli hashtag qui sotto:
#RIC2019Colombia #LucaMemorialPhotoContest2019
NON SARANNO CONSIDERATE VALIDE le immagini pubblicate che hanno solo uno degli hashtag, poiché è essenziale che abbiano tutti e due gli hashtag per partecipare.
- Le foto devono essere pubblicate entro venerdì 4 ottobre 2019 alle 23:00.
- I membri della giuria e coloro che organizzano attivamente questo concorso sono esclusi dalla partecipazione al concorso.
Giuria / Premio:
- Una giuria internazionale di torrentisti valuterà la migliore foto in base a criteri personali. La federazione di ogni paese nominerà un torentista, presente e partecipante alla ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’, per rappresentare il proprio paese come giuria.
- I vincitori saranno annunciati sabato 5 ottobre 2019 durante la cerimonia di chiusura del RIC.
- Il concorso assegnerà un premio ai primi tre classificati come segue:
PRIMO classificato: 1000USD e un trofeo onorario scolpito a mano in esclusiva per il ‘Luca Memorial Photo Contest 2019’.
SECONDO classificato: 500USD
TERZO classificato: 300USD
Privacy / Copyright:
- Ogni partecipante è responsabile per il materiale presentato da lui nel concorso.
- Gli organizzatori del concorso, la giuria e la ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’ declinano ogni responsabilità nei confronti dei concorrenti, nei confronti di terzi e di qualsiasi soggetto rappresentato nelle fotografie inviate al concorso.
- Ogni partecipante deve essere l’unico autore delle fotografie inviate e le immagini devono essere originali e non di terze parti.
- Le immagini presentate nel concorso possono essere utilizzate liberamente dall’organizzazione per le pubblicazioni online con un’etichetta che indica l’autore.
- Le immagini vincitrici saranno trasferite gratuitamente all’organizzazione in alta risoluzione per il suo utilizzo, con l’indicazione dell’autore, per la futura edizione del concorso e / o per altri usi simili.
Maggiori informazioni:
- ‘RIC 2019 Colombia’
- Edizione precedente: ‘Luca Memorial – Photo Contest 2018’
Want to know more about Luca? then please check out:
♦ Friends